Metabo 12 volt slide-on battery system

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The Metabo 12 volt slide-in battery system is used by several dozens of Metabo power tools.

The battery packs contain three 3.6 volt 18650 Lithium-Ion cells in series to produce 10.8 volt output. When fully charged the voltage can reach up to 12 volts. That is why this battery system, like several others, is marked as 12 volts but actually has a nominal rating of 10.8 volt.

Slide-on versus push-in

Besides the 12 volt slide-in system Metabo also has a push-in system with the same voltage  but since the battery has a different shape the systems are not compatible.

The slide-on system has more products and might replace the push-in system completely in the future.

The box shaped batteries of the slide-on system are positioned under the handle (for most tools) of the tool which allows more freedom in shaping an ergonomic handle. The weight on the bottom also makes it more stable to have the tool stand upright on the battery.

The downside is that the box shaped battery makes the tool larger when attached.


The 12 volt slide-on system is available world wide.
